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Assessment and certificate

Project Result 2

The Cycle

We believe that development must happen throughout a widely accessible, standardized learning process that can be transferred among different generations, among young people with different level of experience. This is what we are going to test and provide throughout the program.
🤸Training courses and its materials
👥Being part of a unique Community of Practice
📜Certification in the end of the ProfessionalED cycle
🤝Support to deliver your own youth projects
🏛️Beyond YouthPass: assessment of your development and your work on the field with SkillsBuilder
person in red sweater holding babys hand

The Programme

Basic Training Course
Focusing on youth-related need mapping, working with group of people, non formal education → creating a common understanding.
1 Listening.png
2 Speaking.png
4 Creativity.png
Field Practice 1.
with facilitated assessment
By delivering your own educational work either with grass-root youth work or with workshop/training etc. you can put what you learnt into practice. During this practice you will assess your work with the support of a colleague from your sending organization and from another experienced youth worker. This way you will collect your own resources and see how to develop your portfolio forward.
Training Course for Self-Development
What is my contribution to the world through my work; how do I connect my vision to youth work / trainership; what do I create through my work.
7 Leadership.png
8 Teamwork.png
3 Problem Solving.png
Field Practice 2.
with facilitated assessment
Based on the previous experiences you continue the work with youth and get the unique opportunity for facilitated assessment to see what you improved and what you still want to add to your work.

Advanced Training for Trainers
My own style; my method I implement.
youth workers: advocacy
youth trainers: self-branding.
5 Staying Positive.png
6 Aiming High.png
4 Creativity.png
Field Practice 3.
Finalizing Field Practice experience with facilitated assessment
With the presence of two experienced youth workers you will look back to your journey and assess it to finalize your portfolio and get your personal certificate.

The Certificate


The Translations

All the available languages

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