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ProfessionalED is a project focusing on increasing the quality of youth work and non formal education and thus the recognition of youth workers and youth trainers.

If not before, during the pandemic year all people active on the field could experience that in case they cannot practice their profession and therefore they need to change career path, they have challenges to prove their qualities and competences. One of the reasons for this is that the recognition of these professions is very minimal and different even within Europe.

How we address the challenge?

We offer high quality training program with professional follow up and evaluation.
We prove the impact of the professional development and certify the results of it.
This will allow us to advocate together at universities as well as at other stakeholders to recognize and acknowledge the high quality and importance of work of youth workers and trainers.

Long-term impact and involvement!

We are a partnership of 5 experienced youth organisation from Czech Republic, Portugal, the Netherlands, Italy and Hungary. Partners will guarantee that you have opportunities to: practice what you have learnt, assess the quality of your work, and engage to the organisation on different levels.
Egyesek Youth Association
Egyesek Youth Association is the coordinator of the partnership of PrefessionalED. Egyesek is a 20-year old youth organization that delivers high quality, integral learning based residential training courses for 15 years now. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to discover their vision and work on the path that creates the world we all want to live in based on peace. In order to reach this we do youth work with disadvantage young people, organize and carry out international voluntary projects and creating exceptional non formal educational projects. Our main training areas for youth workers are personal development trainings, communication and coaching programs, specific methodological programs and Training for Trainers on the field of youth. Our focus is always to create tailormade programs to address particular learning needs and to make learning enjoyable and exceptional to everyone.
They believe that volunteering and global education is a key to an active citizenship and mutual understanding. That is why they organize volunteering projects and training courses. They give chances to people to participate in diverse projects and support them on their journey towards their personal, civic and professional development. INEX-SDA has delivered activities for more than 30 years and throughout its existence left a positive mark on thousands of people worldwide. Their main motivation to be part of ProfessionalED is to take part in forming of a new group of youth trainers and youth leaders with whom they wish to cooperate in the years to come. And by doing so, to increase the quality of the projects and activities we deliver. Based in Czech Republic.
Associação Future supports young people in their academic and professional transition moments by offering soft skills development programmes. They also organise university and job fairs in Portugal for students to have access to relevant information to take the most informed and conscious decisions. They believe that by joining ProfessionalED they will improve the quality of their work as trainers while helping to create a process that will make this professional development sustainable. They have a young and dynamic spirit with the strong belief that they indeed can improve the world by their daily work.
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IBO Italia is an NGO operating in the field of international volunteering since 1957. Their main activities are: International Cooperation projects promoting an inclusive education (in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa); Global Citizenship Education; IVS projects. IBO joined ProfessionalED to valorize the commitment and professionalism of the youth workers thanks to the exchange of best practices and methodologies in an international context.
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SIW is a non-profit organisation for (young) people to find their impact abroad. They organise international voluntary service group camps in the summer in the Netherlands, as well as long-term individual volunteering (including European Solidarity Corps). SIW joined the project to allow personal and professional development among their active members. They truly believe this will give ample space for growth through the trainings and activities implemented, which will be acknowledged through the innovative assessment tools that will be used. SIW is almost fully by volunteers, for volunteers. Based in Netherlands.
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woman in white shirt under blue sky during daytime

Our Goal

Our aim is to create the ground for
participants to prove their worth as a
youth trainer or youth worker according
to officially acknowledged academic
standards, built upon data coming from
impact measurement studies.

For Whom

the two educational path
Youth trainers - the educational architects / designers, delivering short and intense educational processes to young people, guided by the mission of creating opportunities for growth, and taking life changing actions based upon concrete results.
Field workers - the everyday heroes, going to the field and work with local young people day-by day in order to equip them with the necessary life skills, transform their passion into competences, and increase the quality of their lives.

Transform your passion to the way you make your own living!

Are you able to prove by academic level impact measurement and data what is your quality as a youth trainer or youth worker? Do you want a job in this profession? Complete the 3 training and the field work and you will be issued an official certificate demonstrating your professional competences to the future employer!

Engage to a professional community!

We will build together a community of practice which will offer different local and international opportunities for your personal and professional development.

Go beyond YouthPass! It is time for SkillsBuilder!

Besides the important self-reflections, you will have experts assessing your impact externally, so you can justify your quality in your studies and line of work! For this we cooperate with a company called and we use their framework for the assessment process.
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Aim even higher!

The outcome of the project will be published and accessible for everyone. With the Blueprint of ProfessionalED you will be able to create your own training cycle with impact assessment which will enable your organisation to ensure committed and well-trained new generation of staff.

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